Sunday, 24 February 2013

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

Brrr, it was cold, gloomy and grey. The light was poor so my photographs aren't great. But it wasn't raining - actually I don't think we've had any rain all week. Little dots of snow fell for most of the ride, often landing on my eyelashes. I heard buzzards mewing from the lonely hill road. Many fields had recently been sprayed with muck so much of the cycling was accompanied by a certain rustic aroma. Gorse blooms and the roman soldier sculpture provided welcome colour. And... I saw lambs! A nearby farm stocks an early lambing breed, it's too early yet for "normal" lambs.

I cycled about 13 miles, I originally intended going further but my camera battery was low, so I didn't!



  1. ooh it was gloomy. I like the soldiers though and gloomy or not, at least you got out for a ride.

  2. Full marks for not letting the cold put you off your bike ride. I like those soldiers too - very dramatic!

  3. It was bitterly cold yesterday and snowing quite seriously today so I'm full of admiration that you managed to get out on your bike.

  4. It maybe gloomy out but it sure is beautiful. I think a gray day adds dimension to photos that a sunny day doesn't.
    hugs to you,

  5. Love your pictures a always Anne and they look great in the bigger size.
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful countryside in your area.
    Jacquie x

  6. Looks like a very cold day for a bike ride, but gorgeous photos!
    You live near beauty!
    Have a great week, Tammy xx

  7. oooh lambs. gosh they must be chilly x

  8. Great photos. It's really cold here too. Top marks for venturing out!

  9. Looks like an interesting ride. I couldn't think what you meant when you put 'Roman Soldiers'. Then later I understood. Did I recognise that tree from a post you did last year about different seasons. I loved that too! Thanks for taking us on your ride. Joan

  10. I think that the tree at the bend in the road is my favourite view.

    Darling little lambs.

  11. Your photos are such a treat, I so love that landscape, I'd feel right at home there! Gloomy weather make the best photos:-)

  12. Ooh, those gloomy, grey pics are wonderful Anne.....
    Those soldiers remind me of something out of a Dr. Who episode, you would wonder what on earth they were if you stumbled upon them in the gloom!
    The lambs are just so cute, you could spend ages watching their antics.......
    Hope you get some sunshine during the week,

    Claire :}

  13. After last weekends sunshine I am glad the grey day didn't put you off. Xxx

  14. "....but my camera battery was low." Excuses, excuses!

  15. I like those grey skies, even if they make for less-colourful pictures.

    Love that tree at the bend in the road. It looks good in any weather. And the fencepost, the vine-entwined fence with the interesting clump of trees on the knoll behind. And of course the lambs!

    Low camera battery is a perfectly valid excuse to keep your ride short. :)

  16. Once again I am impressed that you went out in that freezing weather - others (like me!) would still be hiding under the duvet.

    Love those roman soldiers, very colourful indeed.

    Gillian x

  17. I admire you, cycling in this weather. You can see the cold in the, gorgeous, photo's. Groetjes, Gerda

  18. Gorgeous gadding. Thank you.3

  19. Good grief - I was just happily scrolling down your post losing myself in the beautiful landscape when - AAAARRRGH! Red tin things! I'm not familiar with the sculpture at all but now I've recovered it does look quite a treat! Well done for getting out there on a bit of a gloomy day x Jane

  20. SOoo beautiful! what a wonderful place to live . ..

  21. Lovely, lovely pictures as always.
    M xxxx


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