Saturday, 16 February 2013

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

A bike ride two weeks in a row, woohoo! Again, the weather didn't look appealing. I did my shortest route last week so knew I'd be out for a bit longer this week. I left the house in the rain at about 9am. It's the getting out that's often the trouble; once on my bike and away I was fine.

A fairly flat route out the village to start with. A line of bare branched trees on the left, a farmhouse faintly visible ahead on the right.

Over the river, another farmhouse in the distance.

A hawthorn. By this point I've climbed the long hill through a nearby village. I managed it in one go and without too much puffing despite my lack of exercise and excess of eating over the last couple of months.

Now taking the the road past the reservoir, the mist makes it look atmospheric.

A little lone tree.

Tumbledown barn. There were lots of jackdaws noisily chattering here, one can be seen perched on the doorway with no building - an entrance to a magical kingdom perhaps?

More curly branches for those that like that sort of thing.

Here I liked the reflection of the trees in the puddle.

The coppery tones of last year's beech leaves provide a welcome splash of colour.

Another view across the reservoir, zoomed in to look at the little partially submerged island with perching birds on a rock.

A hole in the wall.

 More colour.

Misty daubs of trees 

I even found a (teensy!) patch of snow. Nice tree ridge dead ahead and I like how the road appears to just end.

Renovation project anyone?

Here is is from another angle. There are quite a few abandoned cottages and barns along this road.


Here the road is bordered by very neatly trimmed beech hedges. I like the effect of the tree in the foreground arching over the one further away.

On another couple of miles, looking back.

I don't think it comes across well in the photo, but the pattern of stones at the base of the fence seemed to echo that of the trees in the distance.

The pine cone is still tucked into the old gatepost.


Barbed wire and fence posts.

At the back of the old farm. It's looking more dishevelled than ever. There was no-one around today but a couple of cars were parked in the farmyard spoiling the view, so still no decent photos of the front to share.

Door detail.

 Funny sheep. After a bit of googling I think they might be Hampshire Downs?

The little old trailer I like to photograph when I come this way. It looks like it's starting to fall apart.

A nice bend in the road. More sheep and beech hedges.

These sheep were posing beautifully at the gate till I stopped to take their photograph.

Snow drops. The reason I came this route - I knew there was a big patch of snowdrops at the bird santuary towards the end of my ride. I didn't take a very good photo of them as by this time it was...

...properly raining!

A last photo of some swans on the loch, then home.

I probably did about 15 miles today. Last week I only did about 10 so it's heading in the right direction. It will get easier to increase the mileage as the mornings get lighter and I set out earlier. Hopefully the weather will start to improve too...


  1. A door to nowhere, squiggly twigs against the sky and raindrops making puddle spirals - with these photos you are spoiling me. And then I get to prove I'm not a robot by typing EPICGOO. I love your blog!

  2. I love how you find the beauty in the ordinary :-) And I admire your hard work; I don't think I could ever bike 5 miles, much less 10 or 15. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you for taking a bike ride in the rain so we can enjoy the beautiful scenery too. Your photos are gorgeous as always. Thanks for sharing.
    Anne xxaim

  4. Love the big pics Anne, fabulous.......

    The snowdrops and swans are particularly beautifully, but then I really love all your pics and if I can't actually be there in that wonderfully picturesque countryside then your photos are the next best thing.

    CLaire :}

  5. Love all of the photos!

  6. I love a cloudy, rainy day. The detail in your pictures is amazing.

  7. Another lovely ride, thank you for taking me along.

  8. Aren't you good, going out in the mist and rain when I'd be still sat in my dressing gown drinking my third cup of tea!

    Your images are, as always, quiet, evocative and beautiful. The shot of the curly wire is my favourite.

    Gillian x

  9. I always love coming on a bike ride with you from the comfort of my sofa of course!
    beautiful photos as usual and I even liked the rainy puddle!

  10. Another set of beautiful photos. I especially liked the one of the cormorants sitting by the submerged island. Misty and drippy weather makes for some great photos. I do love your bike ride posts!

  11. Your photos are just lovely. I love the swans on the lake, they are such elegant birds.
    M xxx

  12. Some beautiful shots - despite all that wet! I know what you mean about getting out being the hardest part - I have just booked a trail run in June in order to make myself go running more often. The thought of embarrassing myself will hopefully get me out more often! Juliex

  13. Oh my gosh, I just found your blog. Biking, beautiful countryside photos, crochet and cows...I am so going to enjoy following your posts :) Hello from Nova Scotia! Anne


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