Friday, 25 January 2013

At Last!

While much of the UK has been under a blanket of snow for about a week we have had just the merest sprinkling. Each morning on waking I've peeked out the bedroom window to see if we too have snow and each morning I've been disappointed. Till today. This morning I didn't bother looking out until I was actually ready to open the blinds, only to find to my delight that it had been snowing during the night. Only an inch or so, but enough for some snowy photos, plenty of sledging after school, and a snowman...



And as it is Burns night we had haggis, neeps and tatties for tea, perfect for refueling after all the fun in the snow.

PS I know it's a nuisance, but I had to turn the comments word verification back on. I had too much new spam on old posts clogging up my email inbox. Grrrrr!


  1. Lovely snow pictures! We have still not had any more than a few snowflakes here. We also had haggis for tea tonight! M xxx
    PS Thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment :)

  2. At least you had some snow, ours has been very hitty missy but we're forecast it for the weekend. I have to have verification too, no idea why I would want to have a 'penis enlargement' !!

  3. Looks like you made the most of it. And haggis for tea too - a day to remember. I got Little R early from school today because roads in village not gritted and the girls had a rare tear, messing up the snow in the garden and drinking hot chocolate afterwards. Little C now in bed with a temp though...

  4. It is coming down thick and fast here at the moment. Might get a few more photos tomorrow! I love the berries with top hats of snow!

  5. We've had no snow, such a disappointment for the kids who keep asking if I should check and see if school is closed....I do think they should offer the kids a day off even though we've had no snow, when they hear everyone else is having days off it seems a bit unfair. It is still very cold and windy out, and I had a bit of a Bridget jones moment earlier when I was stood on the side ofthe road in pouring rain, waiting to cross as we were going for a meal out, and a car drove through a big puddle, I didn't get soaked but sat the evening with damp trousers.

  6. Lovely snow photos. We had a lot of snow and I didn't go out and take any photos just some of the back garden. I'm now kicking myself as it's beginning to rain and all the snow is being washed away! Have a great weekend.

  7. Fabulous photos and I'm glad you got some snow. Snap, we had the same food tonight and also the yummy cranachan for afters. It's the scots blood coming out in me! x

  8. How exciting to open the blinds and find a Winter wonderland outside..beautiful photos, love the first 3 in particular.

    Claire :]

  9. All our roads are closed again, fed up of being house bound now and would have fancied a day out somewhere but for the 6" that we got overnight. Enjoy yours!

  10. Ours has almost gone thanks to the sun that we had earlier. With luck, the forecast rain will remove the lingering packed ice.

  11. It looks like a beautiful day,

  12. Lovely pictures and excellent snowman :-). I've been much the same - looking at everybody else's snow pictures with envy. We had a *very* thin covering in the week, but yesterday made up for it - just enough for sledging! I love watching snow fall..

    My tradition is to buy haggis after Burns' night when it's reduced because they've overstocked :-D.

  13. Just the right kind of snow too - sticky enough for snowman building and sturdy enough for sledding. Congratulations! :)

    That fence/gate shot is lovely, and the robin among the shoots is breathtaking. Love the bird tracks too. :)

  14. So glad you finally got some snow! Lovely pictures. Your local area looks even more lovely under all that white. Happy belated Burns night to you - I bet that meal was just what you needed to warm up. And maybe a small whiskey? :-)

    Gillian x

  15. These are amazing photographs! Enjoyed them very much!


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