Friday, 12 October 2012


First, a quick granny squares crochet blanket update:-

No, it's not finished yet... I was choosing colours for what I hope will be the second last row...

...getting there, though I've not sewn in a single end yet!

Now, here are Henny, Penny and Jenny, hens of a friend (the best kind of hens it seems - rather too much poop cleaning involved in hen husbandry for me I think)

I like this shot, such pretty body shapes and feather colours.

My friend kindly gave me one each of their eggs too.

Off now for a quick wander round our drippy garden...

The osteospermum still going strong.

Our one and only sunflower looks like it might yet bloom. Thoses pesky snails ate all the other sunflowers I planted. They also completely demolished my hostas, I gave up the snail fight after we came back from our summer holidays - no point, just far too many of the slimey critters to deal with. I wonder what they're eating now though.

Sedum, new for this year though I think I've put it in too shady a spot for it to attract any late butterflies.

The holly berries are ripening. I liked the background effect here. Something to do with bokeh I believe.

Fiery red geranium leaf.

Now to the kitchen. What to do with left over roast chicken and a large pack of almost out of date ham?

Chicken and ham pie. My first attempt at a savoury pie. You should have seen the state of the kitchen - dirty dishes and pans all over the place. Plus there was one neglected child plonked in front of the telly while I faffed about with pastry and sauce. But... the pie tasted sooo good. I'll be making it again.

Here we have mixed spice, ginger, cinnamon, flour and a pinch of salt...

...which, with a few other ingredients became gingerbread muffins. Very nice, but messy too. Next time I'd just make them as loaves.

And finally, we had a lovely sunset tonight.

So, short and sweet - things are just busy, busy at the moment!


  1. lots of lovely things here. I love the hen shapes too, and the pie looks delicious!

  2. I love your crochet!

    Leanne x

  3. Love how your blanket is coming along. This one is going to be a stunner.

    Oh and your baking looks good as well. Wish I could tast some pie...

  4. Ouch, all those ends....I'm the same though, I hate tackling them but never do them as I go along.

    Our garden is sopping, one good thing though is that today's football has been called off so we have a whole family day together (my footballing boy said hooray too, so I'm not as mean as all that...why do I go to football every Tuesday and Saturday?).

    Your chicken pie and cakes look scrummy, I'm a messy baker which really bugs my hubby, but by the end it all goes away at the end and he always appreciates the cakes.

  5. You have been busy :) The blanket is coming along well - don't envy you with all those ends though.

    Gorgeous sunset - we've not had a good one here this week - too cloudy :(

  6. Oh that Geranium leaf is stunning isn't it?.....
    Love the Sedum too, I have just planted one and hope i picked the right spot for it!!

    Those chooks are gorgeous, beautiful colours, love the second pic in particular. The one at the back looks like a 'blue' variety. Any idea what she would be Anne?
    Love all the different breeds.
    Yum, scrum your pie and muffins look delish.....can't beat the smell of baking through the house.

    Claire :}

  7. What a busy girl you are, well done! The pie looks great, I do like a chicken and ham pie.

    The chickens are beautiful as are their eggs.

  8. What a lovely blanket- it reminds me so much of Nanny Mc Phee!


  9. Beautiful things to see on your blog today. I absolutely love that granny blanket.

  10. Love the sky in the last photo. You have been busy on the cooking front! The pie looks delicious!

  11. Oh granny square gorgeousness there! Lovely garden photos and your yummy looking pie is making me hungry. The kitchen mess and TV babysitter made me laugh, our house was like that today - it's just the way it has to be sometimes. Bethx (thelinencat)

  12. Henny, Penny and Jenny are Heritage Rocks, bred from Black Rocks. Cute as buttons, and friendly, but yes, there is a fair bit of poo clearing that has to be done so you are very wise just to visit when you want a hen fix. Mr Fox was around today so I have to step up the security levels. Less free ranging now, unfortunately, and more early nights shut in the coop.

  13. I like your blanket. If I left the sewing in of all the ends until the end I'd never do them!

  14. Lovely blanket. On some projects I diligently weave-in-as-I-go; on others leave it to the last and perform the never-ending task while gritting my teeth and wondering why I put it off!

    I do like those hen's shapes and feathers, and the beautifully varying shades of the eggs.

    Bokeh is something I only achieve by accident. :)

    I had never heard of chicken and ham pie. Your pastry looks quite professional!

  15. The blanket is coming along nicely. I love the colours. Good luck with darning in those ends! Your pie looks delicious. We made one today. Autumn always makes me want to bake pies. x

  16. That blanket is stunning, i love the choices of colour, how many colours have you used? its something i always get stuck with, i always want to put every colour of yarn i have in a blanket but i do think less is more.....beautiful.

  17. The crocheted blanket and the pastries are so lovely. I'll try the chicken and ham pie.


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