Thursday, 23 August 2012

A Crochet Mouse and a Whole Lot More...

I crocheted this mouse today. Not what I should have been doing, but an achievement of sorts. I used this pattern. I'd like one with a fatter body and more pointy nose so will have another go with some modifications. I'm trying to think of some new things that are quick to make that we can sell at the C******** fundraising stalls (perhaps a little early for mentioning here!)

Now for a large splurge of photos from August, diary keeping hasn't been great so far this month...

Our first butterfly has hatched. We've put in some flowers and sugar water but there's not much action at the moment. Talking of flowers, I had a quick wander round the garden with the camera today as I like to have a record of the garden through the year.

Beastie on lace cap hydrangea.

Clematis from below.

The cat. Rather too many leaves lying on the grass now for my liking.

Our other clematis. Both are have more flower heads than normal this year.

I bought a climbing rose, inspired by the ones we saw on our walk to the beach while on our holidays.

Now to a little walk I had with the children just before the end of the school holidays. It was really a walk to the woods, but when we got there the neighbouring field looked so tempting and golden under the sunny blue sky that we ended up spending most of our time in the field instead.

Batman came too.

Ahhhh, we had a lovely view. the grass hadn't yet been cut so we sat down for a while. A & N enjoyed making little dens.

Lots of ladybirds about.

Orange hawkweed.

Back through the woods.

Passing the street next to the woods we noticed some friends out making chalk pictures on the pavement. A drew round my shadow. It was getting late as you can tell by the shadow length.

Still homeward bound we pass this cat which we often see here. When it was just a kitten A named it KissKissCuddles, so though not it's real name that's what we call it.

Home now, N's art work, a stegosaurus money box.

Back in time, the butterflies as caterpillars.

Back out to the garden (all over the place here, such fun(!))

Finally we spot a peacock butterfly in the garden though it chose a rather weedy spot to pose.

I have some helpers to paint the shed. I've opted for this rather dull grey as our usual pale sage green shade seems to be no longer available.

Rainbow Crush and Meadow Song look on.

Garden produce.

Some of the courgette was used on a pizza topping. Other ways of using it up are required, I'm thinking a courgette and chocolate cake sounds nice...

I made the rest of the rhubarb from the garden into more jam. This time it's "Ginger & Rhubarb" as the ginger quotient was a lot higher than for the "Rhubarb and Ginger".

The same dough recipe as I used for the pizzas can be used for these loaves which are initially made flat like a pizza then spread with garlic butter and rolled up into loaf shapes. Tasty!

Pretty sky.

Another old fat caterpillar pic.

Small tortoiseshells have been the most commonly spotted butterflies in the garden so far this year. No red admirals at all yet.

Yummy peas, still being picked, late this year after the cold July.

One of the rowan trees in the garden. We have four. One is yet to have any berries at all. The two older ones have more berries than I've ever noticed before, and "something" has happened to our third rowan. It usually has pink berries which fade to white over the winter and are most pretty, but there's no sign of any berries and the leaves have fallen already.

First attempt at jam tarts. The children were doing a jigsaw (a rare event) which featured Fifi and jam tarts, the challenge was on, I think we did OK.

Muffins, forget what type but liked the photo.

A sunny morning in the living room, I love golden light you get early on a good morning at this time of year.

This years window boxes, at their peak some time earlier in the month, starting to like a bit more tatty now.

Mini Lindt chocolates. I was given these as a late birthday present and ate them all in one night. I daren't have boxes of chocolate in the house usually.

Now to "The Do" I have mentioned before which was necessitating much tidying and cleaning (we had overnight guests for the first time for years, eeek!). Earlier in the month we hosted a little party for my parents 50th wedding anniversary. Here are some photos...

All quiet before everyone arrives. I think we're ready, even got the sun to shine!


Cake made by my niece.

Sugar rose close-up.


Main courses.


Everybody brought something to eat so I can't take credit for all the food! And all had a good time I believe.

Right, it's all a little rushed for which I apologise. I'm finding blogging takes up more time than I want it to at the moment. I'm a little remiss in my commenting too, if you're on my favourite blogs list on the sidebar then please know I do visit every post even if I don't leave a message.

Got to go...


  1. You have had a busy month! You've reminded me that out shed needs painting! It will be decisions, decisions as to what colour! Love your photos as usual.

  2. So many lovely things. Party sounds like it went very well. Jam tart is my brother's favourite - he can always persuade mum to make him some! Juliex

  3. You've captured your busy month beautifully in your photos. Thanks for sharing.
    Anne xx

  4. wow, you have been so busy. Lovely pictures I especially love Batman as it reminds me of my boys when they were growing up and dressing up all the time.

  5. Great newsy post, you've been so busy....lovely that you had good weather for your 'do' the bunting,balloons, savouries and cakes are the things that make me tick....your niece did an amazing job on the cake, what gorgeous icing flowers. Your baking and jam making always looks good, I haven't done any jam making this year...yet, I have a few plums in the gardens which may get made into jam if I get to them on time.

    Love your little mouse, very cute, it's nice to do some smaller projects between the more full on ones isn't it, I like a bit of quick gratification crochet.

    I know what you mean about time, it's hard to get the balance right, blogging I'm sure shouldn't be guilt ridden though. I'm sure it's a subject that every blogger and crafter hits at some stage.

  6. I don't actually know where to start here, each and every part is so good so I'll just say what a great post!! Gotta try that mouse now though! Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the blogging, perhaps it's just a summer thingy as I find that even though I'm still busy in the late autumn come winter months, as there's less daylight there's more time inside to get on with the things that are neglected during summertime. x

  7. So many good and happy things in your month of August! Looks like you've had lots of fun. I love your little crochet mouse. And it's never too early to think about C********, epecially if you have craft fairs to prep for and want to make homemade gifts, like I do. x

  8. Great series of pictures. My rowan tree is odd this year as well. Only a few berries and a lot of the leaves gone. I thought someone had tampered with it or it was dying, but maybe it's because of the funny weather this year?

  9. lovely post, can't pick a favourite but I do like posts with lots of things going on. I agree blogging can take up so much time and I can always spend too much time in front of the computer.

  10. No wonder posting your blog takes up a lot of time with all those photos to upload! They are a lovely record of your busy month though and will be great to look back upon later.

  11. Such a lovely uplifting post! Gorgeous food and photos. I LOVE the money box! The best photos to me though are the ones with the golden fields and blue sky. They look just out of Little House on the Prairie!!!

  12. You've been up to quite a lot haven't you. As for the butterflies I've seen hardly any this year and the ones I have seen have been Cabbage Whites, normally the buddlieas are covered but this year I don't think I've seen any on them which is quite sad. All that yummy food is making me hungry too :-)

  13. Just found your blog through vintage vicki's. Lovely photos and all the same things i like. I am your newest follower.

  14. beautiful pics...such a cute little kitty cat..
    have a wonderful weekend..

  15. Time is short (as you mentioned) so I will only say what a beautiful bunch of photos - I particularly liked the peas, the mouse, and the gorgeous sugar rose. Time to make supper - I wish I could lift your food off the monitor and onto our table! It all looks delicious.

  16. Love that batman! And the sweet summer feel of your blog--even if you do feel it's a little scrambled and rushed. It captures the essence of our lives that way, don't you think?
    P.S. I'm having a go at Eva's shawl as I saw here on your blog. :-)

  17. Love that little mouse! I know what you mean about blogging taking up lots of time - I am just trying to catch up with my inbox!

    Pomona x

  18. My goodness, lots of fab photos Anne.....

    Chocolate and courgette/zucchini cake, yum,
    Peacock butterfly, stunning
    Garden produce, delish
    Parents anniversary, congratulations that's such a long time.....
    Walk in the field...can I come too?
    Little mousie..., too cute, make plenty they're bound to be popular.
    Hydrangea and Clematis....stunning.

    Phew!! A lovely post, hope there's still plenty of blue sky happening.

    CLaire :}

  19. I really enjoy these rambly posts that give a flavour of a week in a life.

    Ginger and Rhubarb ... sounds like my kind of jam. (I've been making Apple Jelly here.) And I could've eaten those peas right out of the pod!

    And I'm sure we all understand about struggling to fit blogging in ... it happens to me all the time!

  20. Just had to respond and say thank you for your comment which made me laugh! You know I am being quite paranoid about looking where I tread outside ...

    Pomona x

  21. I've been visiting your blog for a few months now, and just wanted to leave a comment to say what a delightful collection of photos & memories August has left you with!
    If you'd like a further idea for using up courgettes, one of our favourites is Courgette & Cashew nut soup. Everyone I've passed the recipe onto has been sceptical, but it always surprises (and impresses)! Let me know if you'd like me to email you the recipe.
    Jo x


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