Friday, 15 June 2012

It'll Soon be Show Time...

Hmmm, does this corner smell interesting?

Any mice?

Oooh, a little scratchy spot.

What do you mean "Get Out of The Way, I'm Trying To Take a Photo Of The Cushion Not You!" How tedious, next you'll be taking pictures of jars of jam and scones and such like...

Jam Jam Jam Jam. 

A scone.

Our local agricultural show takes place tomorrow. Amongst other things I'm going to enter...

1. My tapestry cushion which only took me 12 years in total to make (10 years to complete the tapestry and a further 2 years to finally get round to making it into a cushion).

2. A jar of rhubarb and ginger jam. It's my first attempt and it seemed a good way of making use of the rhubarb from the rhubarb jungle in the garden. The jam smelt delicious but I've not actually tasted it yet as it made EXACTLY 7 jars. One will be opened at the show tomorrow.

3. I've discovered a new favourite scone recipe. However I could only find my huge cutter and ended up with five giant scones instead of twelve normal ones. Having now found the proper cutter I'll attempt to make these again for breakfast tomorrow, the best four will then be getting entered.

I've gone a bit daft this year and am entering loads of categories. Some friends are also involved and we all get quite competitive. Good harmless fun! The weather forecast for Saturday is not looking good sadly. I've also to spend some of the morning bag packing to raise funds for the nursery which I'm looking forward to - not! However I don't need to worry about being left with masses of baking to eat as we have a garden party at the nursery on Sunday and there's to be a home baking stall. I'm manning it though, that probably means I'll be tempted to buy other people's baking. Och well, it's all for a good cause...

Off now to have a go at an iced chocolate cake (unfilled).


  1. Every year it comes round to the county show and I think oh, I wish I'd thought to enter something...(maybe when I finish commenting I will go find out how to) good on you for entering so many categories....hope you do well. Your cushion looks well worth all the time spent .....I'm rather like that if I put things down who knows when I will next pick it up.

    Happy scone making, have a goo weekend!

  2. *good*....having a goo day doesn't sound so appealing!

  3. Love the cat photos with your show entry tapestry cushion! Good luck with the show and I hope you win many prizes!

  4. I miss local country shows, coming from a farming family in yorkshire, they happened all the time and we always entered them. Good luck with your entries, the cushion made me laugh (it's lovely) as I have one started over 15 years ago now and it's still only part stitched. Bethx (thelinencat)

  5. All the very best for the show....hope you come home with blue ribbons. It's such a lot of fun.
    Your cushion looks great Ann, definitely gets the paws up from a certain cat. Rhubarb and ginger jam sounds delish and've got me drooling now.
    I remember entering cooking in the show when I was in primary school....6 firsts and 6 seconds. I know mum gave me a helping hand, not sure how I'd go now, hehe.
    Have a great weekend...

    Claire :}

  6. Hehe, I've seen that expression on my cats' faces many times!

    Good luck tomorrow! I've been looking at the 'ladies industrial' (!) section of the local show but I'm not sure that there's anything I fancy entering.

  7. I am very excited for you!!!! Good luck!

  8. I don't like that everything has to be a competition. It always seems silly to me to pick the 'best' often when there is no such thing or when it is totally subjective anyway. What one person likes another will not. If you win it doesn't mean you were the best, and if you lose it doesn't me you were not either. Lots of people are genuinely equally talented so it serves no purpose to make a competition where none exists. I would rather celebrate and eat ALL the scones.

  9. What a very snarky expression on the cat's face! So typical - I love it.

    That is truly a gorgeous cushion, worth every bit of 12 years'+ work. May it do well - also the lovely jam and scones.

    Like Faith, I always miss the entry period for our county fair.

    P.S. I didn't do any riding in Colorado - I was hoping to, but I had to pack so much extra in the way of clothes and shoes for special wedding happenings that there wasn't any room left for helmet and cycling gear. So I did a lot of hiking instead.

  10. Oh you should win something for sure, it all looks great to me and the cake sounds delicious!

  11. Ohh, good luck! Let us know how you get on. I have never entered anything like that. I am horribly competitive and think it would be better for all concerned if I didn't enter. (that scone looks amazing!)

  12. Ohh, good luck! Let us know how you get on. I have never entered anything like that. I am horribly competitive and think it would be better for all concerned if I didn't enter. (that scone looks amazing!)

  13. I'm like Faith ... after the event I regret not entering!

    Pity there's unlikely to be a class for the most amusing sequence of photos of a cat ;D

    Good luck :D

  14. Oh you bring back such bad memories! My Dad was El Presidente of our local Horticultural society and show time was such stress! He would fafff around with veg for days and be generally unavailable for everything else! Which got my mum on the warpath. No wonder kids of my generation played out all the time! Seriously though, hope you do well and its great that you put so much effort it. I bet the jam is gorgeous. xxxx

  15. Good luck, I really enjoy putting items into our local show though the winners are usually fairly predictable. You've made some gorgeous things, I love the cushion but most of all I love your cat.

  16. Sounds like you are in for a busy time! I hope you did well in the competitions. I think it looks like you have some potential prize winners there!!! x

  17. Wow that's a mean look you're getting for interrupting play time with your camera!


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