Sunday, 3 June 2012

Gala Day 2012

Our little village held its annual Gala Day yesterday. For the past few weeks I've been involved in making things to decorate the nursery float for the parade. On Friday night the empty float was delivered and we gathered together all the necessary tools and equipment - twine, duct tape, scissors, step ladders and the decorations - and set to... 

Here we are nearly finished with a little view along the float from the front.

Tada! My main contribution to the float - a tractor and trailer. I included photos of these in my last post while they were still under construction, did anyone guess what they were? Along the frieze at the bottom are lots of animal pictures which were decorated by the nursery children.

This is N's picture from the frieze. It's MollyTheCat!

In the trailer are Lambie, Puppy Dog, Bonzo and the two Sheepies. I've managed to sneak them down here without A & N noticing, I didn't ask permission as I knew it would be denied!

Now to Saturday. It's traditional for people to decorate their houses for the day. Myself and A wandered round looking at a few of them while hubby and N made their way down to the other end of the village to board the float.

These daisies and toadstool were from a Fairyland themed house.

This house used to be a sweetie shop and is decorated in a sweetie related theme each year. This year it was like an old fashioned sweetie shop window with rows of different sweetie jars.

Of the houses we saw this was my favourite one. The decorations were quite subtle which was one of the attractions to me, the more we kept looking the more we saw. Amongst other things there were...

Owls and bumblebees.

A squirrel.

A snail.

The we found a spot to watch the parade go by. We couldn't wait to see the nursery float. Not only would we be able to see how it looked with all the "young farmers" aboard, but we'd get to find out whether or not we'd won a prize...

Here it is and we won first prize, hooray!

Now off to the park...

past the steeple,

past the pub,

We got a good spot to watch the entertainment while eating some expensive but not particularly nice ice creams. We also had a wander round the various stalls and came home with an inflatable Spiderman for N, an inflatable Hello Kitty for A and a nice pottery lamp base from a bric-a-brac stall for us all.

Later on, as is also traditional, and as it was a dry and sunny (though not terribly warm) day we had a BBQ. Often I'd be having to play in a concert the same day but this year they're on seperate weekends so I was able to enjoy the day in full and it was grand!


  1. The float looks fantastic and I love your tractor and trailer. Our nursery still has a float too.......must remember young farmers as a theme for when Katie goes! Juliex

  2. That sounds like a wonderful day. I love it when communities pull together like this, especially if decorating your house is involved. Congrats on your first prize for the float, it is brilliant!

  3. congratulations on your first prize. Well deserved. What a lovely village you live in - so much community spirit and creativity.

  4. you had a lovely day with sunshine too!

  5. It looks like the perfect way to spend the day! Congratulations on your first prize, it was a splendid float. And how gorgeous that so many people join in and decorate their homes. Just lovely!

  6. First prize, yay........well done. The float looks great.
    Hope you didn't get into trouble for smuggling certain ahem, items onto the float!! Molly looks gorgeous too..

    Looks like it was a great weekend and great that people get into the spirit of the festivities and decorate their homes.

    Nice that you could be there Ann and enjoy the day as a family....

    CLaire :}

  7. What a fun day - your float looked fantastic, well done on first prize!

    I love the idea of decorating houses!


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