Thursday, 28 October 2010

Crochet Robin

Spotted... the garden... HUGE robin.

Last seen in N's dumper truck.

Pattern here but I mucked up making the body which turned out rather larger than it should have been. Will have another go soon but with modifications...


  1. Well how about that! I started an amigurumi critter today as well. Love the robin - I'd forgotten about Ravelry and found my pattern on a US yarn manufacturer's website.
    Great minds, eh?

  2. I love it! So lovely and round and fat - must go and look at that pattern.

  3. Soooooooooooooo cute!

    Lou xxx

  4. Oooohhhhh I love it! Might I have a go?? I think I just might. x

  5. Aaaawwww he is so cute - all perky and alert!

    Have a lovely day and weekend,

    Nina xxx


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