Saturday, 20 March 2010

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

Off just after 8am this morning. I need to be back home for 11am or so, so I set off on one of my fairly short regular routes - a circuit of Barcraigs reservoir.

This involves quite a long and steep climb out of the village of Howwood. I think I'm doing quite well on my way up when I'm passed by two cyclists who not only are going pretty quick but are also chatting all the way! Hmmm.

I make it to the top in my own time. Bike shot.

A glimpse of a little island in the middle of Barcraigs through tree branches. Wild geese are honking away - heard but not seen.

Gorgeous ivy colours.

Lots of catkins now out.

Another bike shot with the reservoir in the background. This is looking eastwards. While I'm stopped here and as it is rather a pleasant spot I take a photo in each direction...

Looking North...

Looking South...

Looking West.

Ruined barn/cottage.

Windswept tree and neatly trimmed beech hedge.

Still no lambs.


Cows are now appearing back in the fields as Winter disappears for another year.

A last look at Barcraigs before returning home. There seemed to be some sort of fishing do happening - I've never seen so many fishermen here before, though I still managed to avoid photographing them!

Today turned into a beautiful day. The afternoon was absolutely gorgeous - blue skies and WARM, the first time we've been able to be outside comfortably without jackets.

Spring is in the air, everywhere I look around...


  1. We had none stop rain all day, lucky you with all that blue sky!
    Lovely photos, as usual!

  2. Hurray!! Spring is on the way! lovely photos - as ever

  3. Wonderful, uplifting and inspiring photos. So much sky!!!

  4. You are so good getting up early for your bike ride and well rewarded with lovely weather and beautiful photos.

  5. Two cyclists passed you? That must have been Bradley Wiggins and Chris Hoy!!!!!

  6. You should keep your eyes peeled for the osprey fishing on Barcraigs any week now Anne.It has been a regular visitor there for the last few years.
    Best time is early morning which you seem to be quite good at..!


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