Wednesday, 10 February 2010

In Need of a View.

This morning the sky is beautiful, blue and cloudless.

On Wednesdays we usually have use of the car (hubby cycles to work 3 days a week) which allows us to broaden our horizons a little. I don't generally like to go too far as I feel that unneccessary lengthy car journeys are not very friendly either to the environment or to the pocket. From a pocket protection point of view, I also don't like to frequent places which charge for the pleasure of visiting...

...So we start off with a visit to a park in one of the nearby villages, the attraction being that it's one that we've not been to before.

One of the many large marble balls that are dotted about.

It's cold!

We don't linger too long, but do stop to take a closer look at Aslan on his plinth.

I'm still not satisfied though with our little outing and decide to drive a little further to where there's a viewpoint...

...aaah, that's better!

Zooming in a little closer, beautiful!

I used to pass this view every day on the way to work. It was one of the pleasures of working - that and the tattie scone & fried egg rolls they did in the canteen for breakfast, mmm!


  1. Lovely photos, that lake view is spectacular :-)

  2. Those marble balls look beautiful, as does that lake. Thanks for taking us on your walk x

  3. I seriously want a pair of those yummie striped tights. Too cute. Do they come in adult sizes....he-he... Love all the water. I miss the ocean so much. Thanks for bring me some wavy ripples on this snowie morning.

    Kate - TGB

  4. Magnificent views Anne.Spring is just round the corner..!
    I too am an adherent of the pocket protection policy in relation to days out.Most folk have no imagination :)

  5. I do miss Scotland and her stunning scenery! You are so lucky to have that on your doorstep. It looks like you had a lovely day out.

    Hoping to go to Scotland again soon, I used to go to Aberfeldy & Fortingall regularly (in the 70's mainly)Good memories...

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  6. Lovely place. Scotland is such a pretty -no it's too vast feeling to be just pretty, I guess the word is awesome - an awesome place.
    And just down the road! how lucky is that ?


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