Tuesday, 5 January 2010

A New Year's Resolution...

Hello and Happy New Year!

Today is the first day I have ventured outside for any length of time since before Christmas. It was fantastic to be outdoors again!

We wandered down through the village to attend one of the local Toddler groups and I took a couple of photos en route.

It's been so cold that the snow which fell before Christmas is still lying. We had another light dusting of snow last night.

Our destination is old church hall on the left which dates from 1724.

We're first to arrive. A would normally be at nursery on a Tuesday morning but the schools and nurseries aren't back on till tomorrow. It was a big treat for her to go to Toddlers again! It's a lovely big hall and there are lots of cars and tricycles to zoom around on. Great fun. I enjoyed getting back out and about too.

Next to the church and hall is the Weaver's Cottage.

As can be seen from the inscription above the door the cottage dates from 1723. Although we've lived in the village for 8 years we've still never visited it - something to rectify this year I think. A will be going to school after the summer so it would be good to make the most of the time I have with her before then - I'd like to take her (and N of course!) on a few trips and visit some of our local attractions. I suppose that's a New Year's resolution then! We'll see how we get on...


  1. Happy New Year to you too ~ I hope it's a good one for you :O)

  2. So pretty! what a lovely place to live. I look forward to hearing about your visits to your local area attractions.
    Happy New Year.

  3. What beautiful buildings. I am thinking along the same lines as you as my little one will start school after summer. I am thinking of perhaps dogging nursery for a day every so often and going somewhere educational with her while the bigger children are at school and the places are quiet. Won't be able to do that once she's a big school girl. In fact, we dogged it yesterday and went to the art galleries in the morning and we were practically the only people there so that was a success. Plus it was warm in there!


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