Monday, 7 September 2009

A quick visit to Largs

Well, I'm sorry to say that I've still not visited the lovely Millport on the Isle of Cumbrae.

We had planned to go there on Sunday for a family cycling trip but we remembered on Saturday night that the bike trailer didn't fit in the car, oops! Largs (from where the ferry leaves) is just a little too far and the traffic just a little too fast for cycling there with the trailer.

In any case, the weather wasn't great, in fact it was rubbish, yet again! It's better that we go on a clear day so we can take a picnic, appreciate the views and enjoy the beaches.

We did make a little outing though; along the cycle path to the loch in the rain.

Then home again to dry off. Just the kind of wet Sunday afternoon that's ideal for baking.

I used up some apples and brambles to make this pie. I used the Hummingbird cook book pastry recipe, but after tasting it I would say that I far prefer the recipe I normally use.

The Hummingbird cook book does look very nice, but I'm not too impressed with the content so far. Fortunately I only paid £4 for it as an impulse buy from The Book People via A's nursery though I wish I'd saved my money!

Still, the pie wasn't bad and was pretty quickly gobbled up - lots of trimming and tidying up of the edges after the initial servings had been cut.

After being thwarted in my anticipated visit to the coast on Sunday I decided to head there with N today (while A was at nursery).

Just to Largs though, I'll visit Millport another day when we can all go together.

Looking west from the hill above Largs. Still not great weather for views though you can just make out the hills of the Isle of Arran in the background. Cumbrae is the little island in the foreground.

Looking south through an abundance of rowan berries (unlike in our garden where the starlings have stripped the rowan trees bare).

Down at the shore.

Cumbrae across the water. The large white dot is the ferry (remember you can click on the pictures for an enlarged view).

The ferry again. It just tootles to and fro all day; the crossing only takes 15 minutes.

We also visited the nice new playpark while we were there. There were lots of "climbing things", we must come back soon with A, she'd love it.

And of course, I had to have a quick look round a couple of the charity shops.

Amongst other things I bought a lovely applique skirt for A...

...a vase for me...

...and this book, which is rather apt I think!


  1. Oh I love that skirt applique! The book looks very good too. An I'm quite sure I wouldn't complain about a slice of that pie either!! Looks fabulous even if not as good as your recipe. My family would be mightly impressed if that arrived on the table, I can tell you. Thanks for entering my little giveaway too!

  2. What a lovely neat and tidy pie! I also relate to Dora the Storer - dare I buy the book!?

    Pomona x

  3. Wow, the pie looks delicious. Your blog always makes my mouth water!

  4. Stunning. The countryside is so gloriously beautiful over there even on a fall day. Thanks for commenting on my blog and glad to have your aboard as a follower. I will tag into yours as well.

  5. My Dad grew up in Largs and he and ny Mum have just moved back there! I remember cycling round Cumbrae, mostly in driving rain and wind! Although we're now on the other side of the world, Largs feels more like home than anywhere and I can't wait to take my kids on the ferry to Millport! They loved that play park too, last time we were there.


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