Sunday, 23 August 2009

Saturday Morning Cycle Ride and Owls.

A dry morning! Off on a new route.

This road runs almost parallel to the one I normally take, just further to the south. It's wider too, and even has lines! (haha)

Across the bridge and an indication of just how much rain we've had recently.

Looking north across the valley toward my usual cycling country.

A glimpse of the reservoir. I was intending to cycle right round this but ran out of time. A's swimming lessons have started again so I needed to be home by 9:30. Must set off earlier next week!

I did stop to have a closer look at this little farm building. The ground round about was quite wet so I was standing on stones to keep out the mud. I wasn't looking properly and ended up jumping onto a big squishy cow pat instead of a stone, lovely!

I didn't have enough time to take many photos, I'm afraid. That's a good excuse for going back again. The countryside was looking beautiful and it was refreshing to be somewhere away from my usual routes but still within very easy reach.

Changing subject completely, A has grown over the holidays and has been needing some new clothes. I notice a bit of a theme appearing...

Owl adorned wellies, pyjama top & t-shirt.

This owl clock hangs in our kitchen. It's my "engagement ring" - we bought it in Cordes on the day my husband-to-be proposed. We were cycling through France in the autumn of 1998 and had cycled from Cherbourg and were on our way to Montpellier. Cordes was beautiful, we took a rest day there and stayed two nights. T then lugged the clock about for the rest of the holiday.

Crochet update:

I've managed to make something round! Many thanks to Lucy for the tutorial.


  1. The countryside looks so beautiful and so peaceful where you are.

    Re needlepoint - I like to curl up with it, so a frame gets in the way, but I have found that if the background is plain, then all that to and fro stitching will distort it quite badly - I should do it as basketweave but never do. In fact I have decided never to do any with too much plain background again - too boring! But for the others the blocking sorts out the distortion. I also think it is best to use a frame for the trammed crewel wool canvases.

    Pomona x

  2. Countryside looks amazing. It is so inspiring to remind myself of the fun that can be had out exploring on a bike. Must give my lazy btm a shake.
    i too have noticed a proliferation of owls recently. Maybe it's an autumn thing. Love the wellies. If only they came in grown up sizes. And your engagement ring is very special.

  3. Beautiful owls and great crochet!

    I can't get over all that rain - it is all brown dirt and dying plants with the so little we have had here.

    Have a lovely week,

    Nina x


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