Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Feeling blue

Gorgeous blues from the garden...




I took these photos of the garden a couple of days ago during a little sunny spell. I like them, they brighten up the place! It's raining again now though.

I'm still busy with tidying up the workroom in my spare moments, certainly not ready for a photo shoot yet. It's never going to be one that would feature in an interiors magazine unlike this one from HenHouse, what luxury!

We had some rather soggy strawberries in the fridge which hubby used to make strawberry muffins. These were delicious, they disappeared before I bothered to take a photograph. I even preferred them to the blueberry ones, a little more subtly flavoured. I will attempt to tease hubby's muffin secrets out of him very soon so that I can post the recipe. They are rather scrumptious it has to be said, and very versatile as you can add practically anything to them to jazz them up.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the muffin recipe. No pressure or anything!


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