It was such a lovely morning I set off for my bike ride for the first time without a fleece!
Off in a new direction today, this cyclepath has some sculptures along the way...
The path used to be a railway line
The Roman soldiers must have just been painted in the last couple of days as I could still smell the paint. I was a little disappointed as I liked how they used to look in all their faded rusty glory.
View from near the soldiers.
Then on to the road for the trip back home. I planned my route so I'd pass a viewpoint towards the end but it was very hazy today so the view wasn't worth taking a photo of. One to return to on a clearer, crisper day.
And when I got home...
there were banana muffins for breakfast!
I also took some photos of this little chap that I finished off last night...
I'm told his middle name is Choonin (we can't remember his first name apparently!)
I am sooo chuffed with how he turned out! I'm new to knitting and this is my first completed project. It's a very simple pattern modified from a couple of similar ones I'd seen in books. He'll be getting a hat very soon. I made him for A who clearly specified that the scarf was to be blue and the hat green and that HE was NOT a SHE! I had intended making up pink accessories and attaching some crochet flowers so just as well I checked in advance then! I'm going to tweak the pattern further when I make one for N, if it works out as I hope then I'll be sharing the pattern...
Choonin is a knitting triumph. And banana muffins for breakfast? must go out on more early morning bike rides!