Saturday 14 November 2015


Next we moved to Staithes on the Yorkshire coast for four nights, a very picturesque fishing village.

We went fossil hunting on the beach and weren't disappointed! The one in the last pic was my best find.

More to come...


  1. I love Staithes, and your photos are beautiful. X

  2. I have never been to Staithes, it looks almost unreal like looking down on a model - what a cute place

  3. Όμορφος τόπος ,όμορφες φωτογραφίες !

  4. What fantastic photos, such a very picturesque place. And what an amazing fossil, well found! I shall look forward to seeing more. CJ xx

  5. Your photos remind me of Mevagissy in Cornwall.

  6. oh Staithes, you are my favourite holiday spot x
    great fossil x

  7. wonderful photos Anne....looking forward to seeing more.
    Jacquie x

  8. I am indeed peckish! Would love a sign like that in my kitchen. There are so many places to visit, a life time is too short. At least I get a taster from your glorious photos.

  9. Oh, I do love to see a harbour town like that one, fossils too.

  10. Such a beautiful place! How wonderful! I love the boat full of pansies, so pretty. Glad you had a good time. xx

  11. This looks a lovely place. I've now added to my (growing) list of places to visit :-)

  12. Staithes is one of my favourite places, I have a painting on my wall of the view in your first photo:)

  13. Fantastic. Everything you could want as a photographer in one place.

  14. gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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