Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Ending September.

More pretty pictures from the holiday weekend.

On the Saturday N and I visited the Weaver's Cottage before it closed for the winter (it is now closed and doesn't re-open till April).

We saw the 200 year old loom in operation, I admired the gorgeous colours of the wool on the shelves, N had a go on a tiny loom (plus there is also a larger loom that visitors can operate under supervison).

The garden isn't huge but is very pretty. I particularly liked all the various carved stone items that were dotted around and the potted pelargoniums.

Before leaving we bought a little sheep in the gift shop for N to add to his collection.

I have spent the last three Sunday afternoons cutting back the hedge (it's still not quite finished, sigh). Last Sunday there was a newcomer to the garden who was keeping me company. He was very friendly. I think I did uncover quite a few insects for him including a ladybird - I had gone inside to get my camera to photograph a ladybird I'd found but when I can back outside the ladybird had disappeared...

Sunday, 27 September 2015

By Yon Bonnie Banks...

We had a recent visit to Loch Lomond. We based ourselves at Luss and took a boat trip round the Loch. It was braw...

September is proving to be a gorgeous month. When it behaves (as it has this year) it is one of my favourite months of the year. We've had lovely golden sunshine, the leaves are staring to turn, and we're currently in the middle of a holiday weekend. Lovely!

Now, where to go on Monday...

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Saturday Morning Bike Ride.

September - one of my favourite months, always helped by the weather tending to be good (ie not too wet) which has indeed been the case this year. Today starts off a little damp and murky, but it's not actually raining. In contrast to last week, the mist is lying over high ground instead of low ground. There is no sun to be seen, but Autumn colours are all around. I was pleased to see swallows, I hope they're giving themselves enough time to get back to Africa safely for the winter. The last two photos were taken with a "colour pop" filter set on my camera. Before I could figure out how to reset it my camera batteries died, however, the journey home from this point is the same as the journey out last week (minus the reservoir detour) and it makes for a much less interesting journey in the opposite direction so I'm not too disappointed. A fair few hills were covered today and required some effort on my part. I'm quite unfit as I've pretty much missed two years of cycling being too busy during my PGDE and probationer year. I'm enjoying having more spare time as a supply teacher despite currently working full time (at a very nice school, which I would be happy to stay at if I could!). It's a local holiday weekend here and we've been visiting a few places already so I've lots more photos to share soon. Enjoy your weekend...