Sunday, 15 February 2015


Sky. Snowdrops.

February is flying by, as usual. It starts feeling like winter will never end. Already though it feels like spring will be with us before long. Birds are singing, the sunlight is stronger and daylight lingers ever longer.

We found the best spot yet for snowdrops this year - Finlaystone, for those nearby. Take the path down past the bridge below the house towards the Clyde. Wonderful.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Can't Think of a Title...

Jan into Feb. We've had a little snow. I'd have liked more, but never mind. 

I've still little free time for taking photos and blog posting and I think I'll pobably have forgotten how to crochet by the time I'm able to do some crafting again. 

Having said that, there had been some crafting happening although it's school related and doesn't involve much wool.We're now doing China as our topic and we've been having fun making dragon puppets, lanterns, paper cuts, drums, scrolls, etc. The next project is to attempt to make a big dragon for a dragon dance at our assembly. In preparation for the assmbly we've also been enjoying learning some new songs, including Gong Xi Gong Xi which I now can't get out my head. 

I struggle to keep up with the paper work associated with school though and although I'm managing not to drown in it I do feel rather submerged. And as for housework, hahahah! Guess how I'll be spending our mid term break, much of it anyway... 

So... the first lot of photos are rather random ones form the end of January when I was trying to get some shots of the snow in less than ideal conditions (mostly darkness!) before it vanished. We then had another fall of snow which has lingered longer with the cold weather and which provided a most attractive backdrop to a walk up to the folly which you can see in the second set of photos from last weekend. The sky was gorgeously blue that day, lovely and bright and it felt good to be out enjoying it.

Enjoy this weekend everybody! Till the next time...